Book and publishing email newsletters to sign up to

Email marketing sells books. Fact. Email is still an incredibly effective way to get people to act. Publishers, authors and booksellers all produce newsletters, of varying quality and effectiveness. I would recommend that you sign up for as many book-related email newsletters as possible. It's a very good way to learn about best practice in email marketing but also to keep an eye on big books, trends and what publishers and booksellers are doing. 

Ebook deals newsletters

(of course, I'm biased, but I would recommend you sign up to the Lounge Books newsletter because it's marvellous)

There are many ebook deals newsletters you can sign up for - they all do pretty much the same thing, so search for more if you're interested.


Traditional publisher & imprint newsletters

Independent publishers newsletters

Newsletters with kids & YA books

Newsletters for Food-lovers

Other book newsletters I would recommend

If you found this post useful and would like more, then sign up to my free newsletter, here

Let me know your favourite newsletters in the comments.