Getting started with social media: 5 tips for authors

Social media can be a great way for you to communicate with existing readers and potential book buyers. It can help build strong relationships, drive pre-orders and sales, and grow your author mailing list. However, it can also be a huge time suck, and many authors feel frustrated, spending a lot of time online without much reward.

Growing a social media following takes time and dedication, and the work involved can often seem overwhelming to authors who are just starting out. We developed our Social Media for Authors bundle to help all authors make better use of social media, but if you’re looking for a few additional tips, this post is for you.


Consistency is bandied about a lot when it comes to growing a following on social media, and it is just as important as everyone says it is.

When you post content on a regular basis, it creates a sense of dependability and familiarity that builds a loyal following over time. Consistency also signals to social media algorithms that your account is active and engaged, which can improve your reach and visibility.

Consistency also means consistently showing up in the same ways so you don't come across as a dramatically different person from one post to the next.

Decide what consistency means to you, stick to it, and consistently provide value to your audience through your content.

AND. Humans are not consistent. We all have cycles, whether they are monthly, daily, or seasonal. Sometimes we have energy. Other times we do not. So, when you are creating your social media plan, consider how you can either take breaks from your content (maybe you show up for 8 weeks, then take 4 weeks off. Maybe you have a day off every week. Think about what you need) OR think about how you can fake that consistency with batching and scheduling.

tip #2: Share a variety of content.

It’s great to promote your book on social media, but don’t let that be the only thing you talk about. And don’t forget to use text, images and video.

Sharing a variety of content is useful because it helps to keep your audience engaged and interested in your social media profile. By offering a mix of content topics and content types, such as blog posts, infographics, videos, and images, you provide a more well-rounded experience for your readers and cater to their different preferences.

Talking about different things also allows you to showcase different aspects of yourself as an author. Whether it's building your expertise by sharing educational material or showing your personality through stories or funny content - this can all help to build a stronger relationship with your audience.

I think it's helpful to picture your content like a magazine, full of articles that have a central theme, but are still completely different from one another.

What would your magazine be about?

tip #3: Become a social media student!

Actually take some time to learn how to use each social media platforms. In theory, all of these platforms are intuitive, but in reality, each of them has its own culture, and some of them require quite specific skills (eg: video).

There is SO MUCH INFORMATION out there teaching you how to use these platforms, and I appreciate that can be overwhelming, but it's definitely worth taking the time to learn. How to videos on YouTube are very helpful, and there are lots of creators on TikTok sharing best tips and tricks.

The learning can be enjoyable in itself, but feeling like you are proficient at using the tools available makes it all feel so much easier and makes it less time consuming.

Tip #4: Be patient

Building a social media platform does not happen overnight! Far from it – it can take months (or even years) of consistently showing up to start to grow.

That can be a huge source of frustration for authors, who see their posts getting a few likes, and don't see things change immediately, even when they are putting out good content.

If social media is something you want to focus your time and energy on (and it might not be! That's okay, too, you just need to decide what marketing channel you ARE focusing on instead), then find a way to enjoy the process of creating and sharing and building relationships, rather than focusing too much on the outcome.

tip #5: HAVE FUN

Social media tools can be an incredible way to connect with your readers, but they can also be a really wonderful tool for building community and making friends.

Remember the ‘social’ part of social media - it isn’t a one-way messaging tool. You can learn new skills, meet new people, and have fun while promoting your book. Wherever possible, try to find ways to find enjoyment from the work you are doing here, and it will show in how people engage back with you.

If you are struggling with your social media right now a) you need to get our Social Media for Author bundle and b) ask yourself what would make it easier or more fun, and do more of that. There are a lot of 'shoulds' when it comes to everything in marketing - the joy comes when you figure out what works for you, and what you actually WANT to do. We really hope the bundle will help with that.

Those are some of our top tips for using social media as an author. What are yours?

If you want help figuring out your goals, creating your content plan, attracting new followers, and so much more, take a look at the bundle right here!