How to Launch A Bestseller Thursday, November 15, 2018 8:00 PM 8:45 PM 20:00 20:45 Google Calendar ICS Mark Stay is co-presenter of The Bestseller Experiment, which has just been shortlisted for the Futurebook Podcast of the Year award (winners announced at the end of Nov 2018). The podcast began when he and Mark Desvaux challenged themselves to write, edit, publish and market a bestselling eBook in just a year… and then actually did it!Now as it enters its third year, the podcast works to inspire their listeners to finish their novels and get them published, and their alumni includes Pernille Hughes, Lorna Cook, Sally Harris and fantasy author Mike Shackle. Mark co-wrote Robot Overlords with director Jon Wright for Piers Tempest’s Tempo Productions. This was selected for the 58th BFI London Film Festival. Mark also wrote the film’s novelisation to critical acclaim.Let’s find out all of Mark’s secrets to launching a bestseller. These expert Q&As are part of the Lounge author membership, you can find out more here.