How (and why!) to market your audiobook

One thing that we often get asked about is how to market an audiobook, and how much it differs from marketing a traditional book. We reached out to Albee Romero, the Marketing and Publicity Director of to get her thoughts.

Why should I market my audiobook?

Audiobooks offer just as valuable of an experience as engaging with books in print—and even more for some readers, since they improve accessibility. Audiobooks might also offer multi-cast narration, musical interludes from your text, spot-on pronunciation and accents, and more!

I’m in! How can I promote my audiobook?

Here are some ways to get started:

1. Mention your audiobook alongside other formats

Helping readers find all the mediums through which they can read your book allows them to connect with your work in whatever way best suits or accommodates their needs. Don’t forget to link to your audiobook on your website, blog, social media profiles, and newsletter.

2. Let your readers listen

Share a sample so readers can hear a snippet of your audiobook. This is often available on the audiobook’s page on your publisher’s site as well as retailer websites. Your publisher can also provide a sample if you’d like to share on social media.

3. Take fans behind the scenes

Give your readers a peek into the process with a photo in the recording booth, details about your audiobook’s narrator(s), or other elements of the audiobook that are unique to the format.

4. Send review copies

Build buzz by getting copies of your audiobook to media, reviewers, and book influencers who prefer to consume books in audio. Many of these folks have sky high TBR piles, and are grateful for the option to read a book in audio.

5. Host a giveaway

Just like you’d give away physical copies, host a social media and/or newsletter giveaway for the audio version to help generate excitement!

I don’t have an audiobook yet, but I’d like to produce one. Any resources you’d suggest?

Like this article points out, there are fewer audiobooks on the market than print books. That means making your audiobook available to listeners gives it a better chance of reaching a wide audience.

Depending where you are in your audiobook process, we’d suggest these resources:

Looking for more resources?

Check out’s author page for marketing opportunities available to authors at no cost.

Thank you so much, Albee! Want to chat about your audiobook marketing? Pop into The Empowered Author Facebook group and chat to other authors about their experiences and share marketing questions, tips and suggestions all for free!

About is a digital audiobook platform that works with 2,500+ bookshops to offer audiobooks and monthly audiobook memberships—and compete directly with Amazon's Audible. offers 400,000+ DRM-free digital audiobooks,available for download and through its free iOS and Android apps. Founded in 2014, is a 100% employee-owned Social Purpose Corporation.