.... and I set up The Empowered Author to support a new breed of authors who are taking more control of their writing careers. It is an extremely exciting time for authors; digital marketing tools, social media and the accessibiliy of self publishing has opened up endless opportunities. Many authors have become CEOs of their own writing businesses, managing every element of the writing, publishing and marketing with huge success. There are more options and routes to being published than ever before. Social media has enabled authors to connect with readers, booksellers, librarians, agents and bloggers directly. Free tools, platforms and services abound.
The Empowered Author offers practical support to help you navigate opportunities and make informed choices. Becoming a member will give you even more, find out how membership could help you here.
I've been working in publishing for nearly 10 years - at HarperCollins as Head of Audience Development until 2017 and before that at The Bookseller as Head of Events & Marketing. I have worked with many wonderful people across the industry and am often described as the best connected person in publishing. Many colleagues, partners and authors have said some very kind things about working with me.
I enjoy being at the heart of the industry and have met and worked with the most wonderful people from all areas of the business. I am very committed to driving the industry forward with new ideas, big thinking and by embracing innovation. I speak and chair lots of industry events and lecture on publishing courses in various universities. I particularly enjoy supporting and mentoring young people trying to get into the industry. You can follow more of my ramblings on Twitter here.
January 2022: Announcing Services For Authors
I am very excited to announce Services For Authors, a directory of freelancers and businesses who offer publishing services to authors.
The directory is a response to the ever-growing needs on authors, traditionally and self-published to understand in more detail how the industry works, but importantly to find people they can trust to work with.
The directory is the main part of the site, where authors can find everyone from cover designers, proofreaders, contracts experts to web designers.
There is also a blog, an area where authors can post questions, and an area where they can post work briefs.
I have made it very cost-effective for freelancers and businesses to join the directory and importantly, I take no commission on the work they get from their listing. I hope that this will help freelancers just starting out, in particular.
Please check it out.
Sam x
Awards & Commendations
Shortlisted for Industry Awards for the best marketing campaigns of the year.
2012 Runner-up for the Pandora award for sustained contribution to publishing
As seen in Inside Book Publishing by Routledge Publishing.
Journalism / Commentary / Interviews
Book Marketing Society Committee member 2015 to 2017
Chair of the Quantum Publishing conference 2015
Quantum steering committee member 2016. 2017